Tag Archives: Ambassador

Ambassador 51 – Southwind

My first night underway, and I didn’t sleep much at all. Too many hazards and too much traffic on the river. I am looking forward to some open ocean. Good progress though, as the wind filled in as expected, and … Continue reading

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Ambassador 50

I have arrived!  All is well, and safe and sound, and all of that. And not a moment too soon, either- that new system with all the wind showed up yesterday morning with gusto. Fortunately for me, the 25 to … Continue reading

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Ambassador 49

Almost there!  The weather system I was going to wait out got delayed a bit, so I decided to keep going. I pulled into Punta Del Este just to check it out anyway, and from there I was headed due … Continue reading

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Ambassador 48

After sailing 3800 miles of Brazilian coastline, I finally crossed into Uruguayan waters last night, which means I am getting close!  My weather strategy seems to have worked out pretty well, as I enjoyed a steady 20 knots of following … Continue reading

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Ambassador 47

It got c-c-c-cold last night!  When they say the weather fronts come up from Antarctica, they mean it. I was watching for iceberg and penguins last night, after layering  on most all of my clothes. I even put on shoes, … Continue reading

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Ambassador 46

Yesterday turned out OK. The wind didn’t veer as early as forecast, so that meant I was sailing a close reach for much of the day- about 12 hours of sailing lightning bolts instead of the expected 6.  But in … Continue reading

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Ambassador 45

About as perfect as it could get. That’s what yesterday was. The sun burned through the clouds by late morning, and the rest of the day was clear and sunny and nice. And the wind came to 12 knots from … Continue reading

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Ambassador 44

I was glad to be anchored and comfy when the front passed through yesterday, as the south winds were howling for a while, and I know what that would have looked like out at sea.  I did some routine maintenance, … Continue reading

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Ambassador 43

I am comfortably anchored in Paranagua, after crossing the bar at first light, around 6am. It’s a large bay, so of course I had to explore a little bit before dropping the hook. The big surprise here- patchy fog, and … Continue reading

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Ambassador 42

Yesterday’s morning overcast burned off about 11am, the winds were light and variable, and the sea flat. It really felt like a southern California day. I sailed along the coastline past Rio, through a large area of hundreds of islands, … Continue reading

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