Tag Archives: Ambassador

Ambassador 21

First of all, satellite reception is the worst on the equator, surprisingly, so I am having trouble getting  data connection. So be patient over the next few days, just in case. The sea is an amazing deep blue out here, … Continue reading

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Ambassador 20

Today has been pleasantly uneventful so far.  8 to 10 knots of breeze, mostly flat seas, lots of sunshine and blue skies, some puffy white clouds, and hot. We are finally offshore enough to see some sealife, and twice now … Continue reading

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Ambassador 19

French Guiana has come and gone, and we are now in the waters of Brazil! Weird weather to go with it, too, as we are now in the ITCZ, or Intertropical Convergence Zone, which is a fancy scientific name for … Continue reading

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Ambassador 18

Today has us sailing along the coast of French Guiana, which from our perspective doesn’t look a whole lot different than the last two countries. Although we have seen a few taller, more modern buildings here, and there are less … Continue reading

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Ambassador 17

We anchored right off the mouth of the Suriname River last night, then celebrated the 4th of July with Steve and Marianne enjoying rum and cokes, and I had Baileys in my coffee. We all had a good, long night’s … Continue reading

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Ambassador 16

Sailors can be a superstitious bunch, but I don’t think of this crew as really being that way. But yesterday, we got some signs… With the winds remaining very light, we decided to try going in to Neiuw Nickerbie, a … Continue reading

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Ambassador 15

Light winds and no squalls continue today, so perhaps we are in the doldrums? Although I really expected more squalls. Regardless, we motor a lot, sail a little, and make progress south and east. The event of the day yesterday … Continue reading

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Ambassador 14

Our first squall-less day so far. Mosty sunny with a few puffy clouds, but no squalls all day, and a temperature of 92. The winds have been light, too, just 5-10 knots, with very flat seas. This has made for … Continue reading

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Ambassador 13

A slow progress day. We knew this would be a tough spot, as the equatorial current can run very strong to the northwest here, as much as 4 knots offshore. Which is why we stayed very close to the coast … Continue reading

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Ambassador 12

After passing Grenada last night on approach to Trinidad and Tobago, we got out of the Caribbean trades and into a whole different kind of wind and sea. Its actually been very pleasant, with easy breezes and relatively calm seas, … Continue reading

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