Category Archives: Adventure Updates

Ambassador 105 – Good Wrong

My good fortune continues, as yesterday’s forecast of very windy and bumpy was mostly wrong. It was nice to have the forecast be wrong in my favor for a change. Most of the day I enjoyed 12-18 knots of wind, … Continue reading

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Ambassador 104 – A little of everything

Yesterday certainly had variety. I was visited by dolphins, Dahl’s porpoises, and sea lions. I had windy and bumpy on the nose, windy beam reach, and no wind. I had sunshine, cloudy bits, a clear sky with full moon, and … Continue reading

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Ambassador 103 – On the road again

I thoroughly enjoyed my 2 week break back home, and have now returned to Mexico to try to finish my long voyage to San Francisco. I arrived into Los Cabos yesterday afternoon, and departed right away, as there were lighter … Continue reading

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Blaine, WA to Bella Bella, BC (Part 3)

This is the third and final leg of my cruise aboard Kittewake; it is by far the best. For one thing we are past the need to get up and be sailing at dawn to catch the tides. Check over … Continue reading

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Ambassador 102 – Break Time in Cabo

Once again, the weather changed a bit yesterday, and was not quite what was forecast. I started seeing 20-25 knots from the west, and seas rapidly built to short, steep, 4 to 6 foot breakers. Fortunately, I only had to … Continue reading

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Ambassador 101 – Cold?!

What is this? It got below 80 degrees last night. I must be getting too far north. I actually had to put on a T-shirt last night, the first time I’ve worn anything but swim trunks in almost 2 weeks. … Continue reading

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Ambassador 100 – Gone Swimming

Yesterday saw me sailing off of Manzanillo, which is famous for its fishing. And it seems every Mexican with panga or an innertube was out there. Problem is, they fish using long nets (as long as a mile across on … Continue reading

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Ambassador 99 – The big slalom

That’s what I’ve been doing for the last 3 days- the big slalom. During the night, the wind blows offshore from the East, so I am on starboard tack angling out to sea a bit. In the morning, the wind … Continue reading

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Ambassador 98 – Slowing down

The high rise hotels of Acapulco passed alongside yesterday afternoon, and in the evening I started getting some adverse current, so things are starting to slow down just a bit. I discovered an interesting and surprising variety of bugs and … Continue reading

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Ambassador 97 – No… not a dolphin

Sailing along yesterday afternoon, an easy 10-knot breeze on the beam, flat seas, clear sky, and I was relaxing in the cockpit with a book. I felt a bit of side-motion on the bow of the boat, like a wake … Continue reading

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