Category Archives: General

Some Tidal Astronomy

In the left column of the daily pages in your tide book, you’ll see the phases of the Moon, and in the columns to the right of a full and new Moon, you’ll see that some of the heights are … Continue reading

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Emerald Sea [Post 3]: Ports and Anchorages from San Francisco to San Diego

by Jeffrey Hare, Instructor and Owner of Emerald Sea This 3rd post in our series will cover a topic of keen interest to sailors; Places to stop and what to see and do between San Francisco and San Diego (will … Continue reading

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2023 Cruising: Departure Planning

Written by Jeff Hare, Tradewinds Instructor and Emerald Sea Owner Living in the Bay Area we take the Golden Gate Bridge for granted. We casually (and perhaps automatically) glance up at it during our daily commute and it’s presence gives … Continue reading

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Emerald Sea Returns to Marina Bay!

For those of you who didn’t know, the Catamaran you’ve either taken or hope to take 114 on, belongs to members Becky and Jeff Hare, who just returned from a long cruise down the west coast. Leaving San Francisco Bay … Continue reading

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Nautical Terminator – Corinthian (Part 1)

In sailing, the word “Corinthian” refers to the non-professional arm of the sport. Sailors compete for the love of it, not for any monetary reward. At some levels of racing, this distinction is strictly enforced according to rules of the … Continue reading

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How to Troll your crew

(As with all Trolling, the author chooses to remain anonymous) Many Bay Area residents have heard about the Bay Bridge Troll. You may have even been asked about it by fellow crew, and how to see it. Like all Trolls … Continue reading

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Women Who’ve Been Around

This month is women’s history month, and as if to put an exclamation point on that, on March 7, 29-year-old, 5’2” 100-pound Cole Brauer claimed her permanent place in the history of sailing when she sailed her First Light across … Continue reading

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Who Has It Better Than Us Sailors?

I have great affection and respect for the hard-won traditional arts of the sailor. Every modern sailor must still, to this day, master them just like the mariners of yesteryear. This ancient body of knowledge, plus some other aspects of … Continue reading

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Red Right Returning

Sailing into an unfamiliar harbor is fraught with peril for mariners, terrifying if you are seeking shelter from a storm. The entrance to San Francisco Bay is one of the most dangerous on the West Coast. The combination of strong … Continue reading

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Who Has It Better Than Us Sailors?

I have great affection and respect for the hard-won traditional arts of the sailor. Every modern sailor must still, to this day, master them just like the mariners of yesteryear. This ancient body of knowledge, plus other aspects of sailing … Continue reading

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