Category Archives: Adventure Updates

Ambassador 96 – Truly Coastal

Although I’ve been calling this a coastal route, I have been sailing about 100 miles offshore, and crossing the Gulf of Tehuantepec, which this morning is behind me- about a day and a half ahead of any big winds and … Continue reading

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Ambassador 95 – Oh, Mexico!

This morning I’m sailing in Mexican waters. And Mexico is right next to California, so I must be almost there, right?  Well, it turns out that Mexico is bigger than the rest of Central America combined, with some 2000 miles … Continue reading

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Ambassador 94 – Good Morning Guatemala

Yesterday was a busy day, with many unexpected visitors. There was yet another school of dolphin that came out to play in the afternoon, and a few more in the evening. Then near sunset, a bird took a rest on … Continue reading

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Ambassador 93 – Visitors

Yesterday was a busy day, with many unexpected visitors. There was yet another school of dolphin that came out to play in the afternoon, and a few more in the evening. Then near sunset, a bird took a rest on … Continue reading

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Ambassador 92 – Progress

I finally got back to the latitude of the Panama Canal entrance yesterday, so now I feel like I am really making progress north and west. Costa Rica has been nice to me, offering some good breeze yesterday afternoon, and … Continue reading

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Ambassador 91 – Good Morning Costa Rica

Yesterday was a bit squally and grey, with off and on warm rain, and a bit of sunshine, and few hours of good wind. It was also my farewell to Panama, as early this morning I crossed into the waters … Continue reading

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Ambassador 90 – The Pacific is pacific

I’ve completed my first day back in the Pacific, and is has been pacific indeed. Sunny and hot, with smooth seas and a long, low swell, and almost no wind. I received several fine welcomes throughout the day, from 2 … Continue reading

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Blaine, WA to Bella Bella, BC (Part 2)

I’ve learned a few basic rules about cruising British Columbia’s Inland Passage since beginning this cruise. Most important, you will not be disappointed if you expect gray, rainy and cold weather. The weather, at least this early in the cruising … Continue reading

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Blaine, WA to Bella Bella, British Columbia

After two days of motoring from Blaine, WA toward Bella Bella, BC we had an exhilarating day of sailing today from Comox to Campbell River (the name of a city). We left the marina in Comox in absolutely glassy conditions … Continue reading

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Ambassador 89 – Back in the Pacific

As much as I enjoyed the Atlantic ocean and Caribbean sea, it sure feels good to back in the Pacific. The Atlantic side of Panama was cloudy and rainy with thunder and lightning. But the Pacific side has dawned clear … Continue reading

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