Author Archives: TW-Matt

Ambassador 77 – Land Ho!

I hadn’t thought it much, but I haven’t actually seen land for the last 10 days, when I rounded the big corner of Brazil. Since then I’ve been around 100 miles off the coastline all along. So this morning, in … Continue reading

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Ambassador 76 – Easy Easter

Happy Easter! It seems Easter describes my day today, too-  the winds are light and easy from the east, making them an easter. The seas are pretty calm, much like yesterday, but there is less wind now, less than 10 … Continue reading

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Ambassador 75 – Easing Back the Throttle

Although I enjoyed another 200+ mile day yesterday, conditions are much milder now, and things are slowing down. I normally calculate my day’s run based on 8am to 8am log entries, but my actual best run was from 2pm Thursday … Continue reading

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Ambassador 74 – Entertaining Company

Well, yesterday and last night got a bit more blustery and squally than I might have liked, with winds averaging in the mid 20’s the whole time. This also rapidly built up the sea state to an average 8 feet. … Continue reading

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Ambassador 73 – Almost Out of Brazil

This afternoon sometime, I should cross out of Brazilian waters and into the waters of French Guiana. Not that it really makes any difference to me, as I am staying off the continental shelf, 80-100 miles offshore, to catch the … Continue reading

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Ambassador 72 – What?!? I’m not alone?

Sunrise this morning beheld an amazing sight- another sailboat!  I haven’t even seen a tanker or container ship or anything in over 3 days, so what a surprise is this! It appears to be on the same track I am, … Continue reading

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Ambassador 71 – Permission Granted

King Neptune granted me permission to cross the equator yesterday evening, and even gave me a gift to help me on my way. All day yesterday, I had been getting wind from the NE, which was wrong. It was supposed … Continue reading

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Ambassdor 70 – Permission Requested

Today should be the day. Probably this evening around 7pm or 8pm, I will ask permission from King Neptune to cross the line. Time travel in an instant, as I go from Autumn to Spring in the blink of an … Continue reading

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Ambassador 69 – Movin’ Right Along

Happy April Fools Day! Despite the temptation to make up a story for today (GPS calibrated for northern hemisphere, so I’ve been going the wrong way, now near Antarctica, etc.), I decided to just do a regular report. So you’ll … Continue reading

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Ambassador 68 – Firmly in the Trades

I am there. Finally. Fair winds and following seas, and a current that goes with me, not against me. And it feels nice… I was reflecting on the trip down to Buenos Aires last year, as I am using the … Continue reading

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