That’s right, its 4-11, so celebrate some information today.
I celebrated having the spinnaker up all day again yesterday, in similar conditions to Monday- east winds 8-12 knots, and light seas. About 5pm the wind shifted NE and strengthened a bit, so I switched to the genoa for the night.
Although I am 100 miles north of Caracas, Venezuela, I could see the city glow from it last night before the midnight moon came up. Today should see me pass Bonaire and Curcacao, and Aruba during the night, at my northern most latitude this side of the canal. Then tomorrow morning sometime I will start to turn southwest, to follow the coasts of Colombia and Panama.
I still anticipate arriving Monday morning in Panama.
4/11 8am 12.19N 66.53W 4643nm gone, 809nm to go.