Our ASA course offering prepares you for sailing the Bay or anywhere in the world. Sailing schools on San Francisco Bay.
(510) 232 - 7999
Open Tue-Sun 9am-5pm (Closed Mondays)
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Our Fleet

Sailing Lessons San Francisco Bay school instruction bay area classes club Rentals Learn to sail Women sailing

Tradewinds Sailing Club offers both brand new and classic boats — from Hunter, Beneteau, Catalina and others — representing a selection of the most popular brands of boats in use today. We choose boats that are affordable to maintain and affordable to own, representing the type of boat you might want to buy someday.

Tradewinds is a great way to try a lot of boats before you buy one. Because we have one of the lowest of members-to-boat ratio of any club, our members get plenty of sailing time. Our boats are clean, well maintained, and they offer plenty of sailing fun at affordable prices. You'll be proud to sail with Tradewinds.

Our Current Fleet Boats & Requirements

Copper Fleet - $225/Day(Skipper), $225/Month(Fleet)

Purpose of this fleet: To teach Basic Keelboat (ASA – 101) and provide inexpensive boats to practice ASA 101 Skills.

Restrictions: Due to the strength of the currents in the San Francisco Bay, and the lack of facilities on board, the Copper Fleet boats have a limited sailing area, regardless of the skipper's sailing level. Please see our Copper/BKB practice chart.

Manufacturer Model (number) Name Required Certifications
Catalina Capri 22 (7) Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf ASA 101

Basic Keel Boat
Beneteau First 22 (2) Hotel, India
Bronze Fleet - $335/Day(Skipper), $335/Month(Fleet)

Purpose of this fleet: To teach Basic Coastal Cruising (ASA – 103) and provide inexpensive boats to practice ASA 103 and ASA 104 Skills.

Restrictions: Please see our BCC practice area chart for your restricted sailing area. Note that this restriction is for Basic Coastal Cruising level skippers. Bronze Fleet boats may sail anywhere in the bay if you are Bareboat Chartering certified.

Manufacturer Model (number) Name Required Certifications
Catalina 270 Windfall ASA 103

Basic Coastal Cruising
Hunter 27 Beau
Catalina 28 Royal Blueness
Catalina 30 Asilo
Catalina 30 Willin'
Hunter 31 Bilboat Baggins
Hunter 31 Epiphany
Hunter 31 Madeline
Beneteau 31 Megalina
Beneteau 323 Orion
Catalina 30 Gracie ASA 104

Bareboat Chartering
Silver Fleet - $445/Day(Skipper), $445/Month(Fleet)

Purpose of this fleet: To teach Basic Coastal Cruising (ASA – 103) & Bareboat Chartering (ASA – 104), day-sailing in the BCC area, and day-sailing/overnights anywhere in The Bay for economy-minded BBC certified skippers.

Restrictions: Please see our BCC practice area chart for your restricted sailing area. Note that this restriction is for Basic Coastal Cruising level skippers. Silver Fleet boats may sail anywhere in the bay if you are Bareboat Chartering certified.

Manufacturer Model (number) Name Required Certifications
Beneteau 321 Forever After ASA 103

Basic Coastal Cruising
Beneteau 323 Green Flash
Hunter 33 Concord
Hunter 34 Knot Free
Hunter 34 Vested Interest
Catalina 30 Gracie ASA 104

Bareboat Chartering
Hunter 356 Redeemed
Islander 36 Pacific High
Catalina 38 Black Pearl
Freedom 39 Odyssey ASA 118

Advanced Docking & Motoring
Beneteau 43 Windsong
Gold Fleet - $555/Day(Skipper, $555/Month(Fleet)

Purpose of this Fleet: To teach Advanced Classes and provide boats for day-sailing and overnights on The Bay.

Manufacturer Model (number) Name Required Certifications
Beneteau 35 Final Fantasy ASA 118

Advanced Docking & Motoring
Beneteau First 35 Papagayo
Beneteau 37 Off Course
Beneteau 37 August Moment
Beneteau First 40 Child's Play
Jeanneau 40 Bearboat

Last modified on: Monday, 17-Mar-2025 14:43:00 MDT