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Sailing Club

Competency is honed by time on the water...

Sailing Lessons San Francisco Bay school instruction bay area classes club Rentals Learn to sail Women sailingWe created our Sailing Club so that our Sailing School students can have access to many types of boats as they work on their Amercian Sailing Association (ASA) courses. We also want a fleet boat program that is affordable so that our students do go out and hone your new skills.

Practice, practice, practice, practice. This is probably not how you picture spending your sailing time, but practice is what makes a competent sailor. Strengthening your skills is what makes sailing enjoyable. And, practice makes you confident, which in turn makes your crew, family, and friends comfortable when they sail with you.

The Tradewinds Sailing Club membership not only offers you an affordable Boat Sharing Program, but also

  • helps you find other members for crew or practice with our online Message Board and Crew List
  • the ability to reserve a boat 24/7 using our website or app
  • no hassle boat check-out and check-in. Drive directly to your boat
  • Sail 365/year even when the office is closed (exceptions are weather-related)
  • gives you access to specialty classes and technical clinics
  • extends discounts on Moorings, SunSail and Dream Yacht charters worldwide
  • offers you the chance to experience Chartered Sailing Vacations with some of the best people in the world.... other Tradewinds members

Why are our fleet rates so low?

Because we offer a Boat Sharing Program, not a boat rental program. Our members share the Club boats with each other and therefore take care of the boats for the next member.

Members help keep the boats in good sailing condition by cleaning their boat after each use, reporting issues before it becomes an expensive fix, and being conscience about how they treat the boat.

And, because our members help in the care of the fleet, Tradewinds enjoys low overhead, which we pass on to you.

Membership Rate sheet

(as of March 1st, 2024)

We offer an outstanding membership program that is untouched anywhere on The Bay.

  • No initiation fee - We do not charge an initiation or processing fee for joining the club.
  • Low, flat monthly rate for unlimited sailing on The Bay

We offer the following three membership options:

  • Fleet
  • Skipper
  • Mate


As a Fleet member, your first year requires a one-year contract that you pay monthly and is all-inclusive. There is no additional membership fee.

After your first year, your membership automatically continues month-to-month.

As a Fleet member, you can also rent boats outside of your membership fleet. If you take out a boat that is in the next Fleet above yours, you pay 50% of that boat's Skipper daily rate. If you take out a boat that is two Fleets above yours, you pay 75% of that boat's Skipper daily rate. Three fleets up is full daily rate.


Skipper memberships are also on a one-year contract, but boat use is not included in the monthly fee. Your monthly fee is a $90/month club fee plus your boat usage.


As a Mate member, you can attend all club events. You also have access to our website Message Board and Crew List for crewing opportunities!

The Mate membership costs $50 per month, also on a one-year contract.


Fleet Membership
(flat monthly rate*)

Skipper Membership
(daily rate)

Unlimited per charter or each 24hrs
Copper $225 $225
Bronze $335 $335
Silver $445 $445
Gold $555 $555

* Prices based on a twelve month agreement. You can also take out any boat on which you are checked out from any lower Fleet.

Fleet Membership Cost Examples

Example #1 - Membership comparison - If you join a Skipper Membership after taking Basic Keel Boat, your cost is $90/month X 12 months, or $1,080 for the year membership. Sail 7 full days over the course of the year at $225/day X 7 = $1,575 and your total sailing cost is $2,655. Join at the Copper Fleet level after your Basic Keel Boat Class, and your year contract is $225 X 12, or $2,700, regardless of whether you sail 7 days or 70!

Example #2 - Sailing boats not in your membership fleet -- If you are a Silver Fleet member and sail a Gold Fleet boat one day during the month, that month’s payment will be your normal $445 monthly Fleet fee, and you would pay 50% of the Gold Fleet full daily rate of $555, or $277.50 for the day's use.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to common questions that we get asked by our Club members and people interested in the Tradewinds Sailing Club.

Can I sail on my own after BKB?

Yes! You can join and sail many of our our Copper Fleet boats after BKB.

I would like to read the Tradewinds Club Manual.

You can download our latest club manual from our website.

Do I have to be a Tradewinds Sailing School graduate to use a boat?

No. If you are not a Tradewinds Sailing School graduate, you must complete our Practical Skills Challenge-in Review before you can join the club, start attending checkouts, and reserve any of our boats.

What is the reservation limit policy?

A member can have only 2 reservations in the system at one time, or a total of 48 hours.

What is the cancellation policy?

Your reservation must be cancelled 72 hours in advance. Members canceling within 72 hours may be charged $50.

How do I reserve a boat?

Reservations are taken using the Tradewinds Internet reservation system.

How do I get approved (checked out) to sail a boat in my fleet?

As a Tradewinds Sailing School student, you are normally approved to sail the boats used in your course once you become a member of the club. You can reserve those boats anytime after your class.

If you want to sail another boat that is in your membership fleet, you must attend a scheduled checkout on that boat. Tradewinds holds 2-hour boat checkouts throughout the year on various boats.

Since almost every boat in our Club is different, the purpose of a checkout is to

  • familiarize you with a boat's systems -- engine, head, galley
  • show you all through-hull locations
  • note unique rigging setups
  • give you the opportunity to experience how the boat handles under power
How do I move up to the next fleet?

Tradewinds boats are restricted by your skill level. You must have completed the proper course in order to check out on the boats. See our list of boats and the required course levels on our Fleet Page.

I have not sailed at Tradewinds for the last 6 months, can I reserve a boat?

We will need to speak with you and approach every sailor's situation with a customized plan to get you back out on the water. You will be required to attend a review class to check your skills and refamiliarize you with the club procedures.

Can I take my pet on the boat?

No. Tradewinds has a No Pet policy on all of its boats as a courtesy to other members and boat owners.

Can I single hand a boat?

No. You must have one crew member with you when you sail or motor a club boat.

Can I sail at night?

No. We do not allow sailing or motoring after sunset.

Last modified on: Monday, 17-Mar-2025 14:43:17 MDT