Author Archives: TW-Matt

Ambassador 58 – Familiar Place – Totally Different

Last time I rounded Cabo Sao Tome and Cabo Frio, I was headed south, and I was riding a gale, seeing the biggest winds and seas on the whole trip. It was very quick in this neighborhood, but I was … Continue reading

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Skipper’s Tip, 11/30/2011 – Winter Weather Patterns

Much to the delight of  one member and the dismay of at least one other, we made a decision to ground the fleet today! (I guess technically the fleet is still floating, not grounded, but you get the point…) Winter … Continue reading

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Catamaran Cruising Class ASA 114

On November 5, 2011 we met our instructor, Dan Siefers, at Tradewinds for the ASA 114 Catamaran Cruising class. Dan owns the catamaran that we used in the class. The other three students were David Freeborg, Kathy Larson, and Corrie … Continue reading

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Skipper’s Tip, 11/7/11 – Changes in Seasons

With darkness falling earlier and the winter weather patterns starting to show, we thought we’d better get the warnings out for the season! Be careful about darkness – it comes early this time of year and has a tendency to … Continue reading

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Skipper’s Tip, 10/24/2011 Depth Sounding Equipment

This is an email answer to a member question about depth meters in the Tradewinds Fleet. The question was: “Where is the depth instrument mounted on (Specific Boat)?” I would guess the location of the actual instrument is about 1.5-2’ … Continue reading

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Skipper’s Tip 10/03/2011

History of the Mayday code word used for a distress call: The Mayday callsign was originated in 1923 by Frederick Stanley Mockford (1897–1962). A senior radio officer at Croydon Airport in London, Mockford was asked to think of a word … Continue reading

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Skipper’s Tip, 9/26/11 – Captain Bill’s Favorite Web Links!

Sea Conditions: CDIP Nowcast: Pacific Storm Cast: National Data Buoy: Wave Model: Stormsurfing Wave Model: NOAA Publication page macro view: Local Notices To Mariners [sign up]: On Line Charts NOAA: Ocean Graphics:  … Continue reading

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Ambassador 50

I have arrived!  All is well, and safe and sound, and all of that. And not a moment too soon, either- that new system with all the wind showed up yesterday morning with gusto. Fortunately for me, the 25 to … Continue reading

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Ambassador 49

Almost there!  The weather system I was going to wait out got delayed a bit, so I decided to keep going. I pulled into Punta Del Este just to check it out anyway, and from there I was headed due … Continue reading

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Ambassador 48

After sailing 3800 miles of Brazilian coastline, I finally crossed into Uruguayan waters last night, which means I am getting close!  My weather strategy seems to have worked out pretty well, as I enjoyed a steady 20 knots of following … Continue reading

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