Author Archives: Don Gilzean

Lifeline Pelican Hooks

Here’s a tip from the maintenance crew. Don’t leave the life lines laying on the deck when you leave.  They are a tripping hazard, and if you step on them they damage the gel coat on the deck or bend … Continue reading

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Plan Ahead

If you didn’t think about it 10 minutes ago, you waited too long. Actually, certain things you should think about before you leave the slip.  Tradewinds procedures regarding checking fuel levels and rigging the main halyard before leaving are perfect examples. Here’s another for … Continue reading

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It’s All About Finesse

Have you noticed how the best sailors seem to put in the least effort! I taught an Advanced Docking class a few weeks ago, and one of the class participants made a comment that showed a lot of insight!  “It’s … Continue reading

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Where’s That Buoy?

You set out one fine morning for a day’s sail.  After arriving at the end of the Potrero Reach, you get your sails up and turn to a course of 214 magnetic (214M) because you know that is the direction … Continue reading

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Compass Bearing Reciprocal

It can be very useful to quickly calculate the reciprocal of a course, but if you are like me, adding or subtracting 180 degrees from the course I’m on is beyond my normal mental capabilities.  In other words, I can … Continue reading

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Sam’s Anchor Cafe … A Love/Hate Relationship

I have to admit, I love going to Sam’s for lunch!  It’s a great destination that isn’t far off my typical day sail around the bay.  Unfortunately, there is the “hate” side of the relationship also.  I hate being stuck … Continue reading

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VHF and Vessel Traffic Services

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could tell when and where those big ships will appear?  Actually, you can.  On San Francisco Bay, VHF channels 12, 13, and 14 are dedicated to exactly that. Channel 12 is reserved for ships … Continue reading

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Some Thoughts About Fairway Turns

My last tip How Fast is TOO FAST! In a Fairway? got me thinking about fairway turns.  As an instructor, I can honestly say teaching this skill causes me to experience more “stomach muscle tightening” than any other skill I teach.  … Continue reading

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A Strange Wind Blowing

I took a walk on the docks yesterday afternoon and experienced something I haven’t felt in about a year. A warm wind coming out of the North. It reminded me that summer is over, and some of the “close quarters” … Continue reading

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Using a Kellet

There’s a word you don’t see every day. So, what is it? A kellet is a 15 to 25 pound weight, which you “hang” from the anchor rode. Often, it’s referred to as a sentinel, although technically, that is the … Continue reading

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