Author Archives: TW-Brandy

Skipper’s Tip, 3/21/2011

Skipper’s Tip of the Week: When you’re the Skipper of a boat, you’re responsible for everything that happens on and to the boat. Nerve-racking, isn’t it? It’s hard to know everything about sailing. Even what you do know, you sometimes … Continue reading

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Skipper’s Tip of the Week – 3/14/2011

Sailing is one of the safest sports.  Have you ever wondered why?  It’s actually quite simple.  It’s called thinking ahead.  Something that the best of skippers do without even “thinking” about it.  When I first started sailing, someone made a … Continue reading

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Welcome to Tradewinds Sailing Blog!

Tradewinds would like to welcome everyone to our Blog.

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