Author Archives: TW-Matt

Ambassador 5

I survived another airborne night, and have finally arrived in Tortola. After checking in at San Francisco, my concern all along was about my 3 overweight bags making it through Atlanta and San Juan on Delta, and to Tortola on … Continue reading

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Ambassador 4

If its Wednesday, this must be summer in California. Yesterday was winter in Argentina, and tomorrow will be tropical in the Caribbean. And then, finally, no airplanes for a long time!  Just wind and water and aaaahhhh…. Speaking of wind … Continue reading

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Skipper’s Tip, 6/21/11 – Reefing Underway

Instead of writing a Skipper’s tip this week, we’ve copied a very informative thread from our members message board. It’s a great discussion and manages to cover a topic that we should all be proficient at sailing on the SF … Continue reading

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Ambassador 3

Today is Tuesday, so this evening I depart Buenos Aires bound for San Francisco. It’s a quick turn-around, just to pick up some sailing gear and equipment and take care of a little business, and then I’ll be off to … Continue reading

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Ambassador 2

Happy Monday! This is the 2nd post of my latest adventure, sailing from Tortola in the BVI’s down to Buenos Aires, Argentina. To make it easy to keep track of things, I’ll simply number each email/post. Since I’ve still got … Continue reading

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Ambassador 1

Hello all- I will soon be off on another sailing adventure, lasting maybe 30 days, and you are on the list to receive my (hopefully) daily updates during the voyage. So what is this adventure? Well, its a long sail. … Continue reading

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