Safe Boat Handling

Safe Docking

At Tradewinds, we like to stress handling lines from the boat, not the dock, whenever possible. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn how to properly step on and off a boat because not all line handling can be performed from the boat. Because of the discussion this topic always seems to generate with our instructors and members, we thought we’d address this topic as a Skipper’s Tip and share our official policy on the matter.

Can you dock a boat with one mid-ship spring line and some good helmsman-ship on the downwind side of a dock in 30 knots of wind – ALL from the boat? Yes, you can! Does everyone have the water-time and polished skill set to accomplish this on the first try? Absolutely not! Even for experienced skippers with experienced crew, this can be a challenge when it isn’t something you practice every day, and may take more than one pass. Would it be easier to cruise in and have your crew step off properly and grab a cleat so that you don’t miss? Definitely… but in our years of operating a sailing school, we’ve seen 3 broken ankles. None of them happened while people were handling lines from the boat.

At times, you will run into a situation where you have no choice. We can recall docking in a 30 knot cross-wind in a beat-up marina that had no cleats, only rings on the dock. In this case, you still have to be close to perfect at the helm AND you must safely put some crew on the dock to get you secured.

So what’s the bottom line? As a skipper, you should have all of the tools available to you. Learn how to handle lines from the boat and teach your regular crew how as well. Learn how to properly step off a boat in as safe a manner as possible and be able to train your crew the same way. Learn to lasso cleats from 10′ away and learn to use the boat hook to hook a line on the cleat. Most importantly, work on your boat-handling skills so that the line handling is easy for the crew! Here are a couple of tips that will help you practice:

  1. During any docking maneuver, there should be a point where the boat is at a complete standstill – between the point where you are approaching the dock and the point that it’s going to be swept away by current or wind. This is when a line should be applied to a cleat by the crew. All of the slack should then be taken out of the line before the boat is put back in gear. The lines should never be used to stop the boat (except sailing into slips in an emergency and even then only as a backup to proper speed control). If you love water like we do, you’ll also enjoy an affordable boat, check out this list of inflatable boats where you can choose the one you like the most.
  2. Once the line is on a cleat and the slack removed, power can be applied to maneuver the boat into position. Power should be the minimum needed for the maneuver and crew should be warned exactly how much it will be and whether it will be safe to hold the end of the line or whether it needs to be re-cleated back on the boat.
  3. The same rules apply when using spring lines to maneuver clear of the dock. Determine how much force you will be using and warn the crew appropriately. Never leave slack in a line before you apply power – only taut lines should be used to re-direct the engine force into leverage in the desired direction.
  4. If you are in a situation where the decision is to put crew on the dock to handle lines, make sure that there is a point in time when the boat is completely stopped next to the dock. When making the final approach, always scan the dock for any obstacles and discuss them before anyone steps off. Cleats, faucets, and seashells & wet surfaces can cause a trip or a slip.

What’s our official policy? The skipper should know what tools are available to him or her and judge based on the boat, the crew, and the conditions which tools to use. They should be properly trained to step on and off the boat the right way and properly trained to handle lines from the boat. We prefer to see the lines handled from the boat whenever possible, but we understand that in some cases it’s not the most comfortable or safe way to solve the problem at hand.

If you are headed to the pump-out dock or to your slip and we are available, we are happy to come down and give you some docking tips if it helps you to learn our favorite line-handling techniques. Just give us a call with a few minutes warning and if we are available, we’ll be there.

Be safe, keep your crew safe, and practice enough to take the stress out of the equation!

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Brandy’s Chartering Tips – The first night…

Whenever possible, book your charter so that you are staying on the boat the first night at the marina you are departing from. The advantages are numerous.

Staying at the departure location the first night allows you to get settled in and unpacked without hurry. You will have time to get to know the layout of your boat and learn how your systems work. You can take the time to familiarize yourself with all of the switches, valves, and other equipment before you are out of reach of the support of the charter company.

If possible, try to use all of the systems of the boat before you get underway and out to that remote anchorage. By cooking, eating and showering on board the first night, you will discover any non-working equipment while you can still get help from the charter company to fix it before you go. We have some examples from our last two charters, none of which were any type of issue because they were fixed before we left the dock. Clogged shower drain filters, non-working fuel gauges, leaking fresh water systems – all of these things occur regularly on charter boats and the maintenance staff can’t possibly find everything unless it has been reported by the previous charterer.

Staying on the boat the night before you leave will also give you time to leisurely go through your provisioning and make any runs to the local markets without the pressure of getting the boat underway and getting to your first anchorage before night-fall.

Note: Since you did use the galley and the showers, be sure to top off your water again before you leave in the morning!

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A Captain’s Responsibilty

“I can handle anything that happens!”

Have you ever gotten a chill from something someone has said.  I heard this statement this morning, and I can honestly say the statement scared me more than I could have imagined.  The statement was made in response to Tradewinds “grounding the fleet” due to weather conditions.  The forecast, and the reason for grounding the fleet, was heavy rain, gale force winds, and thunderstorms.

A few of the potential “things” that might happen on a day like that include:

  • An accidental jibe caused by the wind shifting during a gust.  You may not realize it, however, gusts do not come from the same direction as the prevailing winds, they rotate around and come from further to the right, which means if you are on a broad reach on a starboard tack, a strong gust can easily cause a jibe.
  • A broach.  A broach is a sudden change in direction caused by the forces on the sailing overcoming the ability of the hull to track a straight line.  An over trimmed mainsail can easily cause a broach in a gust.
  • Demasting.  A flaw in the rig can cause the mast to come down during gusty conditions.  I was listening to the VHF one day a few years back.  Two different boats were demasted, one a schooner with two masts.  Both came down.  The conditions that day were very similar to the forecast for today!
  • A lightning strike!  I don’t know about you, however, I don’t want to be sitting at the base of a fifty-foot-tall lightning rod in the middle of a thunderstorm.
  • Crew overboard.   Gale force gusty winds are going to result in very wavy conditions, with a great deal of erratic healing.  Add to that wet decks and you have the perfect recipe for a crew member going overboard, in conditions which will make it extremely difficult to effect a recovery.

Which brings me to the point of this skipper’s tip.  Legally and morally, a captain’s responsibility is the safety of crew and vessel.  Your skills may be strong  enough to control or lessen some of the above situations, however, you can not “handle” them all.  You do not have control over a lightning strike.  Your skills are not going to keep a crew member from falling overboard during a “freak combination of events”, and what happens if that crew member is you?  You are not going to keep a mast up if the fitting at the top of the shroud lets go or the spreader breaks under the pressure of a gust.  Even if your skills are outstanding, what is the skill level of your crew?  Can they “handle” whatever happens?

I personally average 3 to 4 days a week on the water.  I have a total of over a thousand days sailing.  I like to think I know what I am doing, however, more importantly, I have a pretty good idea of when I don’t know.  Today is one of those days!    There is no way I would go out today unless I had no other choice.  If you have been sailing for 5 years, averaging 1 day a month, you probably are getting pretty good.  Good enough that you shouldn’t be thinking “I can handle it”.  Instead, start thinking of the reasons why you might not be able to.  That is being a responsible captain!

Note from Matt: We don’t lightly make the decision to ground the fleet. We want you out on the water and sailing, that’s what makes the business run! When we do keep the boats in, it’s after watching the weather very closely, usually for several days, and even then we won’t make the final call until the evening before or morning of. If it looks like one of those days is coming up when you have a reservation, you’ll want to check in with us before you make the drive to the marina. Before you decide to argue with the staff about it, think about the fact that 90% of everyone has already made the decision to cancel on their own, and we are only talking to a select few – if this looks like your type of sailing conditions, perhaps it’s time to get your own boat to experience it on! Even if everything turns out just fine from your point of view, these kinds of conditions are extraordinarily hard on rigging, fittings, sails, rudder systems, and all kinds of other parts that you may or may not be able to think of! It’s really not fair to call this ‘wear and tear’ and bill a boar owner!

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Fairway Turns – Plan Ahead

If you didn’t think about it 10 minutes ago you waited too long!

When it comes to fairway turns, you never get to select the timing, therefore, always be ready.  I had this reinforced in a Basic Coastal Cruising class yesterday.  We were exploring the limits of the BCC practice area including “destinations.”  While checking out the docks at Sam’s, a boat backed out of a slip in front of us.  In this case, we were able to just put it in reverse and back out, however, in another case a fairway turn might have been required.  Knowing ahead of time what to do “if” something happened prevented the need to make a snap, and possibly incorrect, judgement.  This time, We knew ahead of time we were in the middle of the fairway, with little wind, on a boat with minimal prop walk.  Just the right conditions to back out.  If any of these three factors had been different, a fairway turn probably would have been in order.  Always think about the situation when pulling into a fairway or for that matter, any close quarters situation.  It’s all part of the Location, Orientation, Transition process.  Plan out ahead of time what maneuver(s) you are need to do, and what options are available in the event of a problem.

Let’s say you are in the fairway approaching the slip you plan to dock in.  There are a number of things you should know before you need to.

  • Port prop walk vs. starboard prop walk?  Which direction will you most likely turn while executing a fairway turn?  Turning away from prop walk allows the prop walk to assist in the turn.  Turning the other way is possible if other conditions are there to assist.
  • Is the intended slip to port or starboard.  Turning into a slip located to port means you are most likely set up on the starboard side of the fairway.  If so, you may not have room to make a normal fairway turn to starboard.  Will the boat you are on and the conditions execute a fairway turn the opposite direction?
  • Where is the wind.  Wind from ahead generally helps a fairway turn.  Wind from astern hinders it.   With the wind coming from the side, turning towards the wind is generally easier than turning away from the wind.  When you start the turn, the momentum of the bow will help get the bow through the wind.  Once the bow is through the wind, the wind finishes the turn for you.  All you need to do is keep from blowing backwards.  Turning away from the wind pits several forces against you.  The momentum of the boat is downwind.  The wind blows the boat downwind.  When you think you are “almost done,” and shift into forward throttling up, the boat surges downwind!  As you make the turn trying to get back to the middle of the fairway from the lee side, the stern slides downwind.  There is only a certain about of room downwind before something hard is encountered!  The same problem happens when you back out of a downwind slip, and don’t get the bow oriented a bit to windward.  I personally have seen more collisions at that point of a slip departure or a fairway turn than all other reasons combined!
  • Are you looking for telltales a boat is about to move?  Coolant exhaust, crew at the ready handling dock lines, and a helms-person standing behind the wheel are all clues that something is about to change.

The moral of the story … “stuff” happens, plan ahead to avoid anxiety and possibly expensive damages.

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“Laws” of Close Quarters Boat Handling

We all recognize there are “laws of nature.”   Things like “what goes up, must come down.” Or, “spring follows winter.”  While watching a great number of docking maneuvers the past 10 years I have come to the conclusion there are also Laws of Close Quarters Boat Handling.  There are probably more, however, I think these sum up most of the “situations” I have seen.

  1. No matter what you have been told, it does not drive “just like a car!”
  2. Slow is pro … too slow won’t go!
  3. Given two or more options, a scared helms-person will nearly always pick the wrong choice!
  4. The first and last 100′ are always the most nerve wracking!
  5. Spring is a beautiful time of year … and spring lines are a beautiful things to use!

It’s not a car!  I enjoy teaching teenagers how to sail.  Teenagers young enough to have never driven a car.  They just seem to get it.  They have no expectations as to what the boat is going to do, so they just go with it.  I can’t tell you how many times I have seen an adult put the tiller over the wrong direction, and when the boat turns the wrong way, move it further the same direction. Don’t laugh.  I don’t think I have had more than ten students of all the Basic Keelboat students I have taught that did not do it at least once during class. If you put that same tiller into the hands of someone that has never driven, when the boat goes the wrong way they reverse the tiller, and the next time do it the correct direction.  I believe part of the confusion is boats do not handle like cars.  For example;

  • A car steers from the front while a boat steers from the stern.  If the stern moves to port, the bow moves to starboard.  We tend to look at the bow and think we are steering into the slip when actually, the stern is moving laterally, and the bow is just going along, in the opposite direction, for the ride.
  • With a car, the front end follows the back end.  A boat pivots on a point near the middle of the boat … and, that point moves.  The faster you go, the further forward the pivot point moves.  When stopped, the pivot point on every sailboat is different, however, generally just about the mast.  As a matter of fact, if you visualize the mast extending all the way through the boat and down into the mud your fairway turns will improve dramatically.  The goal of a fairway turn is to turn the boat in it’s own length.  It works on a boat because of the pivot point.  That will never happen in a car, where the best you can hope for is a “doughnut.”
  • By it’s very nature, a boat is never sitting completely still.  Even in a slip with dock lines secured a boat moves.  Take the dock lines off and the boat is at the mercy of wind, current, and momentum.  You might think you are stopped.  You are not.
  • A car has brakes.  The closest thing to a brake on a boat is shifting to the other direction, and when you do, the boat doesn’t just slow and stop.  The stern is going to do some lateral movement, with the bow moving the opposite direction.  As an example shift into reverse and as the boat slows its forward momentum, the stern will move the direction of the prop walk.  Shift into forward while turning and prop wash moves the stern away from the direction of the turn (tries to point you back the direction you came from.)

Enough of the examples … just remember … it’s not a car, never will be a car, and doesn’t handle like a car.

Slow is pro!  Don’t go any faster than you are willing to hit something, and don’t hit anything any harder then you are willing to sign a check for.  Sadly, there isn’t a hard fast “go XX knots” for every set of circumstances.  With no wind and current, it works great to bring the boat to a stop with the pivot point even with the center line of the slip and then “rotate” the boat 90 degrees to line up with the slip.  In that case, zero is a great speed.  Don’t ever try that in wind and current, it doesn’t work well, especially when turning to an upwind slip.  A bit of speed is needed to control the turn, all the while knowing that the faster you go, the faster things go wrong, and the more damage is done.

Speaking of things going wrong, a scared helms-person will nearly always do the wrong thing, and often, that “thing” is more power when less is better.  You see it over and over.  During a fairway turn, the boat reaches a point where it is sideways to the fairway, and begins to blow to the lee side of the fairway, which also happens to be the direction the bow is headed.  The helms-person realizes there is a problem, but instead of just shifting into reverse and “pulling” the boat back to windward, he throttles up in forward trying to spin around before hitting the boats in front.  When that happens, wind and momentum are both pushing towards danger, not away, and unfortunately, even if the bow makes it around in time, the stern swings wide and impacts a boat or two and maybe a concrete post.  How do you overcome the tendency to do the wrong thing?  Plan ahead.  Location … Orientation … Transition.  Where do I want to be?  How should the boat be oriented?  What are the steps to my transition to whatever I am transitioning to?  Using the same example, the transition is from a fairway turn where the boat is rotating in place, to motoring in forward down the fairway.  When you start to transition you should be located on the windward side of the fairway.  You should be oriented straight down the fairway (or possibly with the bow a bit to windward).  Definitely not still pointed to the lee side!  When you have proper location and orientation, the transition is a simple as straighten the rudder, shift into forward, and throttle up.  The more planning you do and the more “this could happen” preparation you make, the more likely you will not get scared, and you will be much more likely to make the right decision under pressure.   As I write this, I am still wet from a small rain “squall” that came across during a docking class.  During the time is took to motor down the fairway between the dock and the rocks, turn into the correct fairway, and negotiate into the slip, the wind went from less than 10 knots from the SW to nearly 25 knots from the NW (right down the center of the fairway).  Ten minutes later, after the next student departed the slip with 22 knots on the beam, the wind shifted again.  Before we could get the boat turned around and back to her slip the wind was back from the SW at 2 knots.  In both cases, our original docking plans needed to be changed during the process.  Planning ahead made for a non issue.

The first and last 100 feet are the challenging part.  Always plan for the first and last 100 feet before actually getting into them.  Again, Location, Orientation, Transition.  Before leaving a slip, know what you are going to be doing every foot of the first 100 feet.  When docking, know what you are going to be doing every foot of the last 100 feet.  An adage to live by is, “if you didn’t think about it 10 minutes ago, you waited too long.”

A spring line is a wonderful thing!  I’m not sure how I handled docking and departing before learning how to use a spring line!  This isn’t the place for detailed instruction of use of a spring line, however, you should be proficient at each of the following spring line maneuvers.  In describing a spring line, aft and forward refer to the direction the line travels away from the boat.  Bow, waist, and stern refer to the boat’s cleat used.

Spring Line Departures:

  • Use an aft bow spring to spring out the stern.
  • Use a forward stern spring to spring out the bow.
  • Use an aft bow spring in a slip to control the tendency of the wind to push the bow to leeward while steerage speed is obtained.

Spring Line Docking:

  • Use an aft waist spring to “pull” the boat to a leeward side tie.
  • Use an aft bow spring and prop wash to bring the stern to the dock.
  • Use a bow/waist loop as a spring to bring the stern to the dock.  This is really two springs in one … a forward bow spring and a forward waist spring.

These are just the beginning … there are other great uses for a spring line. In a  situation where strong wind and prop walk are both “forcing” the bow the wrong direction during a slip departure, an aft waist spring (in the hands of qualified crew) running to a dock cleat at the end of the slip on the side opposite of wind and prop walk forces the boat to turn the correct direction.   The same spring line (again, in the hands of qualified crew) works the other way if backing into a challenging slip location (fender up … the boat will be rotating around the dock!)

Here is a sixth “law” to consider.  The person yelling the loudest is most likely the one that screwed up.  He is trying to get others to fix his mistake, all the while blaming someone else.

Keep these laws of close quarters boat handling in mind and your boat handling skills will improve!

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Leeward Docking at the Pump Out Station

Earlier, we looked at  the D dock Pontoon Pump Station Bowen Basin.  In this installment, we explore docking to leeward of the same dock.  The choice of going to windward or leeward is entirely the skipper’s.  Docking to windward is very easy, however the departure requires some effort.  Docking to leeward can be challenging, but the departures are a piece of cake.

There are two basic techniques while going to leeward.  Interestingly, the boat handling process is nearly identical.  The only difference; with one the goal is to stop the boat parallel to the dock and with the other, try to stop with the bow almost touching and the stern a few feet out.  The primary difference is how the lines are set up and handled.  Both options require a dock line of about the same length as the length of the boat.

TurningTo begin either docking option, approach the dock in forward at an angle.  Depending upon circumstances, the angle can be anywhere from about 20 to 90 degrees.  As the boat nears the dock, start a turn with the goal of bringing the boat parallel to the dock.  To help me know when to turn, I use a simple visual trick.  When the boat visually “touches” the dock, I begin my turn.  When coming straight at the dock, this seems to be the spot that leaves just the right amount of space to complete a 90 degree turn without hitting the dock.  All that is left is figuring out how fast to turn.   Once the boat is along side the dock, option 1 or 2 below comes into play.

Aft Waist SpringOption 1:  Cleat hitch the line to a waist cleat.  Bring the boat to a stop parallel to the dock and get the line around a dock cleat more or less even with the transom.  Secure the line at the waist cleat (or a convent winch) and place the boat in forward at a low RPM.  The force of the propeller against the line moves the boat towards the dock. Slow the approach by turning away from the dock; speed the approach by turning toward the dock.

Bow Waist LoopOption 2:  This option only works when placing the “prop walk side of the boat” against the dock.  Tie a loose loop of line from the bow cleat to the waist cleat. Bring the bow as close to a dock cleat as possible and hold position.  Use a boat hook to place the loop around the cleat.  Reverse at a low RPM and let the prop walk bring the boat slowly to the dock.

Departures can’t be any easier.  Cast off the dock lines and let the wind blow you away.  Once cleat motor off.

My own personal choice is to dock to leeward whenever possible.  I find it easier to dock to leeward than depart to windward.  Your choice is yours, however, as you can see, the choice doesn’t involve “U turns” in close quarters situations.

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Windward Docking at the Pump Out Station

Observing the “D” dock pump out station is quite educational; sometimes its down right humorous.  There are only two sides to the dock, which pretty much limits the number of docking options.  The north side of the dock (typically the leeward side) is pretty straight forward.  There is clear water all around, and it’s just a matter of pulling up to the dock and using one or more lines to keep from blowing away.  Most of the fun happens on the south side of the dock!  That’s are area bounded on three sides by the pump out dock, the cross dock, and the row of boats.  When you really think about it, there are only two options available to dock there.  Either pull straight in using forward or back in using astern propulsion.  Which option generally depends on which side of the boat the waste cap is on.  Waste cap to port?  Pull straight in and lay the port side of tD Dock Pump Out Looking Inhe boat against the dock.  Waste cap to starboard?  Back in and lay the starboard side against the dock.  What could be simpler?

With things as simple as that, why do you see people trying to complete “U turns” inside the area bounded on three sides by the dock, cross dock, and a row of boats? With that question in mind, here are a few techniques to make docking at the D Dock pump out station safe, easy, and not entertainment worthy.

The first thing to keep in mind; if you go in frontwards, depart backwards.  If you approach backwards, depart frontwards.  On a typical Marina Bay day, the wind will push tForward Dockinghe boat towards the dock.  Let it help.  Approach at a slight angle to the dock.  As you get close, turn slightly away from the dock.  Try to end up two or three feet away from the dock with the bow slightly to windward.  Assuming port prop walk, when you go into reverse the prop walk will tend to bring the stern towards the dock and the wind will push the bow in.  Get a line to the dock froReversing Outm the stern and you are good.  If there is any wind, the bow is held in place from wind pressure.

Too depart, use a dock line with no knots, loops, or eye splices.  The line should go
from the bow of the boat, around a cleat on the dock, and back to the bow of the boat.  Place the boat in forward at a low RPM with the wheel turned slightly to the dock.  The force of the bow line and prop wash moves the stern away slowly away from the dock.  When enough of an angle has be achieved, reverse away from the dock, making sure the bow line is clear.

Coming Backin Ininto the dock in reverse is essentially the same.  Go into reverse well clear of everything.  Back within two to three feet of Forward Outthe dock then bring the boat to a stop with the bow slightly to
windward.  Let the wind finish the docking.  Again, get a stern line ashore and let the wind take care of the bow.

To depart, back up on a spring line running forward from the stern.  When the bow has a sufficient angle off the dock, go forward carefully while releasing the line.  Turning the wheel slightly into the dock when transitioning into forward moves the stern clear of the dock.  Immediately straighten the wheel to depart.

These two simple docking/departure techniques are all you need for successful windward docking at the D dock pump out station.  No more do you need to attempt nearly impossible turns in limited space!  Instead, you can sit back and enjoy the entertainment others offer.  Next time, we’ll look at docking techniques for the leeward side.

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Don’t Sail to a Timeline

Sailing to a specific time schedule can be dangerous.  Trying to “get there” at a specific time, or wanting to trim 20 minutes off your sailing ETA may create a situation where you put yourself at risk.

While returning from Drakes Bay during a recent Advanced Coastal Cruising class I made the decision to go through Bonita Channel to get home.  We had been out for three days, and I was really looking forward to getting home as quickly as possible. Bonita Channel is a one third mile wide alternative to the main ship channel as a means of getting through the San Francisco Bar.   It runs between Potato Patch (Fourfathom Bank) and the shoreline of Point Bonita.  During mild conditions it cuts quite a bit of time off the trip into the bay from the north.

The decision to use Bonita Channel was based on conditions as we approached.  We had 3 to 4 foot swells with a very long period.  In other words, it was quite calm, so we made the turn towards the channel.  The approach to the channel is like a continuously narrowing funnel of deeper water between two areas of shallower water. During the 20 minutes following our turn into the approach, I watched the swells build from 3 and 4 feet up to 7 and 8 feet.  The shallow water to the sides was causing the swell to hump up making me a bit nervous, so 20 minutes into the approach I changed my mind and back tracked to use the main ship channel.  Of course, during the next hour I questioned my decision, thinking to myself that going through Bonita Channel would have cut 3 miles off my trip and would have been perfectly safe.

When we reached the point where Bonita Channel joins the main ship channel, I checked out the conditions we would have been greeted by had we gone that way.  At a distance of 1/2 to 1 mile, it’s hard to judge height, however, I would estimate there were 3 foot breakers rolling across the channel for most of it’s length.  Being hit on the beam by 3 foot breaking waves for a mile isn’t my idea of a fun time.  In this case, the correct decision was made!

Sailing on San Francisco Bay involves a constant series of choices like the one above. Choices like: I’m not going to do a complete checkout of the boat because I’m running late and there is never a problem; or, the shortest route takes me through those small kids on dinghies and I don’t really want to take the time to go around; or, following the west side of the channel is faster, but the east side keeps me clear of the tug harbor and the marina exit; or, I think I can make it in front of that tug pulling a barge and I’ll be late if I give way and go behind.  Don’t fall into these traps.  Be willing to make the best decision based on circumstances and be willing to revise choices mid sail as changing circumstances require.

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Have a Fender at the Ready

Someone asked me once where I get the ideas for the skipper’s tips.  My answer was, “watching the docks.”  If you watch, it doesn’t take long to see something tip worthy.  On any Saturday you will see at least one instance were someone has to fend of from the dock, another boat, or a concrete post.  Generally body parts are used for the purpose.  Once in awhile a boat hook will be placed into service.  Neither is a good idea.  Body parts break and boat hooks are not at all secure.  Here is a better way!

Part of the Tradewinds pre-cruise check list is to verify the location and number of fenders.  Don’t check that item off the list until you have placed one fender “at the ready.”  What’s that mean?  Remove it from the lazarette or untie it from the stern pulpit so that it can be placed into service as a roving fender without delay.  Never depart a slip, begin a docking, or operate in close quarters without having a fender ready to fend off in the event of a mishap.  I assure you, sooner of later you are going to need it!

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Have You Heard From My Husband?

Kind of a strange way to start a conversation, however, that’s just what happened the other day.

It seems a club member was missing.  He had left the house the previous morning for a day sail.  He called in that afternoon indicating they were having some engine problems, his cellphone was almost dead, and he would be calling the Coast Guard.  That was the last she had heard and his phone was going straight to voice mail.  Needless to say, she was quite worried.  To compound the problem, she did not know who he was sailing with, where they were sailing from, the name of the boat, or their destination.  She had no idea where to even start so she called the Coast Guard and Tradewinds hoping we could tell her what was going on.  We couldn’t tell her (or the Coast Guard officer who called later), because he wasn’t on one of our boats.

In this case, there was a happy ending.  He was sailing with a friend on a boat that isn’t part of the Tradewinds fleet.  The boat did have motor problems, however, they were able to make it to a marina where they spent the night.  The boat was repaired the following day and they make it back to their home marina.  Unfortunately, because his cell phone was dead he wasn’t able to contact her with an update.

Much of her concern would have been eliminated had he filed a float plan with her before leaving.  If you aren’t sure what information is required, there is a great example of a float plan on the Tradewinds website.  It can be completed online, saved as a PDF file, and left where a concerned person can find it.

During the Advanced Coastal Cruising class, a float plan is required.  Anytime a Tradewinds boat goes outside the gate, a float plan is required.  Tradewinds does not require a float plan in any other circumstances, however, common sense does.  Never leave the dock without filing a plan with your loved ones.  At a minimum, include the following information:

  • Vessel name and description
  • Skipper’s name and contact info (including the skipper’s emergency contact person and contact info is also a great idea)
  • Crew members names and contact info
  • When are you leaving
  • Where are you going
  • Planned stops along the way
  • When will you return
  • Any backup plans you might have

One more thought.  I know where I am and that everything is OK … my loved ones don’t, so any time I leave the dock, I have in my possession a satellite based GPS tracking tool. I can use it to check in when out of cell phone range.  With it, I’m able to send a simple message to let my wife know I’m OK, and what my exact Latitude and Longitude are.  Using it has greatly reduced my wife’s worry when I am out enjoying this great sport.

Note from Matt: Here is a link to a fillable .pdf float plan from the USCG Auxiliary: – along with instructions! Fill it out, download the completed document, and email it to someone who will want to know your whereabouts if you are late!


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