Sailing School
Radar (RAD - ASA 120)
Schedule & Crew
This is a two-day, 9am to 5pm course.
The goal of this course is to teach safe, efficient use of radar for small-craft navigation and collision avoidance in any condition of visibility.
The Radar Endorsement introduces students to the theory of radar, radar operation and adjustments, installation, radome location, piloting, position navigation, collision avoidance, target plotting, interpreting the radar screen and other. The COLREG’s Rules of the Road will also be covered as it relates to “right of way” when navigating in restricted visibility.
Use will be made of Power Point presentations, a realistic PC based radar simulator, actual radar use and handouts. Actual hands-on experience will be included as time and vessel availability lends itself.
Background reading and course text: Radar for Mariners by David Burch (McGraw Hill, 2005)
Review a complete ASA
course description with knowledge and skills list.